The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a professional credential for project managers, known as the Project Management Professional (PMP). PMI’s professional credentialing examination development processes stand apart from other project management certification examination development practices.
The project management examination has evolved and become more difficult. The days of passing the PMP exam by memorising formulas and a handful of definitions are long gone. The study techniques based on flashcards or memorising questions and answers don’t work either. In this article , I will be sharing a four category-based techniques to passing your PMP examination.

1. Pace Yourself

  • You have to answer 200 questions within 4 hours so pay attention to your pace.
  • Attempt questions sequentially on your first pass.
  • Try not to spend more than 30 minutes to answer 25 questions on average. However,note that this will leave no extra time for reviewing your marked questions.
  • Answer every question since there is no negative marking for incorrect responses.

2. Mark and Skip Questions

  • Mark doubtful questions that you want to review in your second pass (maximum 30)
  • Skip lengthy, difficult, and complex mathematical questions especially at the beginning.
  • Consider marking or skipping questions with tricky terms like “best”, “least”, “always”, “sometimes”, “never”, “not correct”, etc.

3. Use the Following Stategies

  • Read the question carefully twice.
  • Eliminate unsuitable options, and then choose the best answer
  • Look for the option which describes the project manager as proactive since a project manager should always proactive, not reactive.
  • Look for the option which describes the project manager as a powerful and responsible person who has authority to make decisions regarding the project.
  • Determine the current stage of the project and the process being described. COnsider what is being done and what should be done next, etc. then choose the relevant option
  • Choose the most inclusive option when there is more than one correct option.
  • Be careful with absolute terms like “all”, “none”, “never”, “always”, in the options.

4. Second Pass Through Exam

  • Respond to all skipped questions first
  • Review all marked questions and change if necessary
  • Review the first 10 t0 15 questions and change if necessary

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