negotiation skills

Negotiation Skills and Strategies – Certified Negotiation Professional (CNP)

Date and Time:

August 15, 2020 10:00 am - August 23, 2020 - 5:00 pm


Face to Face Class, @ 2nd Floor Rikaz Plaza, 58, Opebi Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

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CLASS SIZE (Max. Students): 20
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About The Courses

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DURATION: 3 Weekdays or 2 Weekends



Negotiation occurs in every facet of life. You negotiate all the time, be it in your personal or professional life. It could be a simple negotiation, such as getting your kids to do what you want, buying a gift for your spouse, talking with your travel agent, etc. or a complex negotiation, such as buying a house or car, negotiating for a job or promotion, or negotiating multi-million dollar deals for your company.

Whether it is a simple or complex negotiation, the process of negotiation and the skills involved are fundamentally the same. Hence, understanding the process and improving the skills will enable you to negotiate better deals. Imagine how much can be gained from becoming a good negotiator, even minor improvements in your negotiation skills could bring huge returns on your investment.

Young children find it difficult to communicate because they have not yet mastered the language of communication. Similarly, if you have not learned negotiation formally, you can find it difficult. With this course, you will learn the “alphabet of the language of negotiation” which will help you master your negotiation skills over time. It treats negotiation as science and defines each term specifically. Thus, it provides a common language of negotiation that you can use when negotiating within your organization and with other external organizations.


NGstudy Certified Negotiation Professional (NCN-P) certification course is tailored to help anyone interested to know about all the processes—Inputs, Tools and Outputs, related to single-issue and multi-issue negotiation, as defined in the NBOK Guide. At the end of this course, participants will

  • Be able to negotiate for a win-win outcome
  • Achieve better results in both formal and informal negotiations
  • Build confidence in bargaining power and abilities
  • Improve negotiations by managing your emotions and influencing others
  • Build positive, productive relationships with all stakeholders
  • Earn an NGstudy Certified Negotiation Professional certificate after taking and passing the certification exam.


There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. This program is appropriate for professionals at all career levels who want to learn the standardized approach to negotiation and work more productively with
customers, colleagues, partners, vendors, and others. However, it is ideal for:

  • Business Managers
  • Business Development Executives
  • Procurement Managers
  • Supply Chain Executives
  • Vendor and Contract Managers
  • Warehouse and Logistics Managers
  • Anyone interested in developing their negotiation skills


At the end of the course;

  • Participants would be required to sit for and pass the Certified Negotiation Professional examination.
  • The purpose of the NGstudy Certified Negotiation Professional exam is to confirm that you have gained a thorough understanding of single-issue and multi-issue negotiation as defined in the NBOK Guide.
    • Exam Format
    • Multiple-choice
    • 100 questions
    • No negative marks for the incorrect answers
    • 120-minute duration
    • Proctored online exam



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